Many of you will have seen the update provided by Chief Judge Kidd dated the 9th October 2023 which outlines how the backlog caused by Covid has been reduced in the County Court. I would like to congratulate the court and the profession on the hard work undertaken by all to achieve these results. The timely hearing of matters is a key part of fairness to those involved in the justice system, be they accused, witnesses, complainants, or victims.

The Magistrates Court and Supreme Court have also made good inroads into their backlogs.

The never-ending question of committals and their benefits or otherwise to the criminal justice system is one the Criminal Bar Association will be shortly addressing. We recognise the issues of concern generated by committals which on the face of it include delays and witnesses being forced to give evidence on more than one occasion. The view of the CBA remains, however, that there are some real advantages in the committal system, some of which are not immediately apparent to those on the outside. The number of cases which do not proceed to trial because there was a committal is substantial. These include many cases which resolve because both parties have a better understanding of the strength or otherwise of their positions. The flow on benefits to all those involved in the criminal justice system is significant. Nonetheless, we understand there are improvements that can be made, especially when one reviews the lengthy transcripts of some committals where the purpose is hard to glean.

The CBA dinner is being held at the State Library this Friday. It promises to be a stellar event. Sheridan Harbridge, the actor from the award-winning play Prima facie is to be grilled by our own Zoe Broughton. Jodie Comer, who played the role in the West End is still to get back to us as to whether she will attend.

The CBA AGM will be held in November. I encourage anyone who is interested in seeking to improve our criminal justice system and the roles played by barristers in the system to stand for the committee. Generally, those who do not get elected are still sought out to be a non-voting member of the committee or to contribute in some way.

10 October 2023