The new CBA committee is looking forward to the challenges ahead. We seek the feedback of criminal law barristers as to the issues they confront and we will aim to address these and continue to try and ensure the criminal justice system is as fair and efficient as it can be.

There will be many tasks to attend to, but the following are ones we think are currently of importance.

The fees paid by VLA and OPP are too low and this is the subject of discussion with those bodies and we will agitate with the government where necessary to improve funding.

Issues have arisen as to the time the Directions Hearing/Mention Lists are taking and we have made representations to the County Court as to ways to shorten this.

There are serious concerns as to how the bail laws are operating and we are working with other organisations to consider how to make appropriate changes. These are just a few of the matters the CBA are looking at. If there are any other issues you are concerned about please bring them to the attention of one of the kinder members of our committee.

David Hallowes S.C. – December 2022