SnapLaw continues as the new way forward in the preparation of plea submissions.

As a resource designed to enhance efficiency and effectiveness, SnapLaw utilises a unique indexing solution that enables immediate access to case digests summarizing sentencing principles extracted from 800+ HCA and VSCA cases. The service also features links to cases, legislation, practice notes, DPP policy, sentencing guidelines, statistics and snapshots.

SnapLaw has been calibrated as a practical research tool ensuring users find, access, grasp and apply the relevant area of sentencing law quicker than ever before.

For a limited time only, SnapLaw is offering CBA members its monthly updated annual package for only $450.  SnapLaw invites CBA members to take advantage of this discount and save $350.

Go to the homepage:

  • Click VIEW PRICING in the dropdown menu on the far right of the screen.
  • Click the MONTHLY-YEARLY bar onto yearly. 
  • Click the PURCHASE key inside the box on the right side of the screen headed ‘Monthly updates $800 per annum’.
  • Enter the COUPON CODE: CBA2022